Archive | February 2016

How can it already be the end of February?…..

Fortunes Rock Beach

Fortunes Rock Beach

I can’t believe that February is almost over!  I had a hard enough time wrapping my brain around the fact that it was 2016 and now February is almost over.  I have been very busy since the beginning of the year.  Mostly sewing – some of the pieces I can show you and some I can’t.

I made quilts for my niece and nephew who live in Georgia.  They were fun quilts to make and I love giving quilts to people that I love.

Victoria with her Quilt

Victoria with her Quilt

Hunter all wrapped up in his bandana quilt

Hunter all wrapped up in his bandana quilt



There have actually been days this year when it was warmer in Maine than it was in Georgia.  Crazy weather for sure, but at least when it does get cooler they will have a quilt made with love to snuggle up in.







A few years back I participated in a block swap – these blocks came from all over the country.  I finally decided to figure out how to get them put together into a quilt top.  Here is a picture of the top all assembled.  Now I need to quilt it.  This has been a fun quilt to work on because I would never choose these colors to work with but I am happy with the final product and I know that quilting it will make it look even better.img_4369

I also finished a baby quilt for a young couple who are very good friends with my son.  I love the Hunters Star pattern and this went together very easily.  What fun I had making this in red, White and Blue.img_4283

mohair and silk scarf

mohair and silk scarf

This is a scarf that I knitted up – it was fun and fast but sort of different.  The yarn is so fine that it was more like knitting with thread than yarn.  The needles are large so it goes very quickly and I have one more scarf to make.  The next one will be mine.

Of course I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the most important happening in the month of February.  It is our darling daughters birthday month – and I do mean month – we are required to celebrate for the entire month.  We went out to dinner and had a wonderful time.

Elizabeth and Garrett

Elizabeth and Garrett

Chuck and me

Chuck and me


So that is just a little bit of what I have been doing during the month of February.  March will be here in just a few days and then the prospect of Spring, which may or may not arrive on time in Maine this year.  I love all of the seasons but the colors of Spring are so soft and subtle.  One of my favorite colors is spring green – all of the budding leaves and the peek of flowers.  Oh it will be so beautiful  – but first we need to conquer March.


Enjoy the mild weather and keep your fingers crossed that it stays this way.


Be Kind…
